- Fresh food (Fruit & Vegetables)
- Frozen food
- Dry food
- Canned Food
- Dairies
- Asian and Specialties

Bonded Stores & Beverages
- Cigarettes, Cigars and Tobacco
- Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages
- Chocolates, Sweets, Snacks
- Perfumes and Cosmetics
- Clothing and travelling products
- Asian and Specialties

Deck Stores
- Ropes & Hawsers
- Anchor & Anchor Chains
- Cargo & Lashing Equipment
- Pipe & Fittings, Hose& Couplings
- Hatch Sealing Tapes
- Pilot & Embarkation Ladder
- Gangway Ladder
- Scrambling Nets
- Gangway & Cargo Net

Engine Stores
- Valves & Flanges
- Hand,Cutting & Powered Tools
- Diaphragm & Wilden Pumps
- Packing & Jointing
- Chemicals & Test Kit

Electric Stores
- Navigation Light
- Exploision Proof Light
- PVC / Armoured Cables
- Marine Watertight Switch & Plug
- Marine Electrical Gloves & Boots
- Asian and Specialties

Cabin Stores
- Electrical Cooking Appliances
- Cabin Cleaning Equipments
- Garbage Disposers
- Working Clothes & Towel
- Kitchen & Serving Utensils
- Asian and Specialties